5 Tips to Make Your Home Solar System Last Longer


In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the negative effect we have on our planet. Some of the things we do every day significantly hurt our environment. So, why do we keep on doing them? One of the reasons was certainly a lack of information. In the past, the direct effects of some of our life choices weren’t being discussed at such lengths. Nowadays, however, there’s plenty of information out there for anyone willing to listen.

One of the things people seem to be embracing more and more is sustainable living. Finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint and lessen the impact we have on our immediate surroundings may potentially be the key to solving the growing pollution. A good place to start is with finding solutions that will help us lower the amount of electricity we use on a daily basis.


That’s why many people turn towards greener sources of energy and choose to install solar panels. This way, they can reap all the benefits of this renewable energy source and thus significantly lower their household’s carbon footprint. Here, we’ll discuss how to position your solar panels, what are some of the essentials you’ll need and – most importantly – how you can make your solar home system last longer

1. Best solar panel position

As you already know, solar energy systems comprise of solar panels. These panels should be positioned in such a way that allows them to collect as much solar energy (the sun’s rays) as possible throughout the day. What this means is that you should be aiming at placing your solar panels on the roof of your house, as that part is certainly exposed to the sun’s rays the longest.

Additionally, you need to ensure that your panels are oriented properly. Everyone living in the southern hemisphere should place their panels facing the true north and vice versa. To make sure your panels last you a long time and are able to withstand harsh weather conditions, find out more about how you can protect them.

2. Find a good charge controller

Every solar panel system will need a charge controller in order to function properly. Simply put, the energy your solar cells collect during the day will need to be stored somewhere for later use. That’s why some of the best systems feature a solar battery. However, your battery won’t be able to store the direct energy produced by your solar panels safely. That’s why you need to install a solar charge controller.

A charge controller is used to ensure that the energy charge that’s coming from the panel and entering the solar battery is stable. If the charge that’s entering the battery fluctuates too much it can significantly damage the battery and thus shorten its lifespan.

3. Get the right batteries

As mentioned earlier, any good solar system will require some batteries. Lithium-ion batteries have proven to be the best choice on the market so far. This material is excellent at conducting energy. Furthermore, it’s also light in weight which is certainly another perk.

Also, thanks to the technology used, these batteries are entirely rechargeable, which is another reason they make the perfect match. The best way you can prologue the life of your batteries is to invest in a good charge controller and a good quality inverter.

4. Pick the right inverter

The role of a solar inverter is to transform the electricity created by the solar panels into electricity that can be used in your household. Since the electricity that’s being stored in the batteries is low-voltage DC and almost all of the modern appliances use 120 volts AC, you’ll need a Sunny Boy inverter to take care of this.


So, aside from choosing a high-quality product, you also need to ensure that you choose an inverter of the right size and capacity. To do this correctly, you will need to take into account the type of inverter, as well as the input voltage. You can also install a surge protector to ensure that your inverter stays safe and operating properly.

5. Go for the grid connection

No matter how well your home solar system matches your household’s energy needs, you still need to consider connecting it to your local energy grid. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your household receives enough energy even during the gloomiest of days. Aside from that, you can also feed all the energy your solar system manages to produce back to the grid.

In many areas in the world, electric companies offer to reimburse all of their users who choose to feed energy into the power grid. At the end of the month, you will be required to pay for electricity only if you’ve managed to spend more energy than your system was able to produce. So, charge your devices only during the sunniest part of the day. And make sure you unplug your devices and appliances when they’re not being used, to reduce the unnecessary energy waste.

Bottom Line

In the end, the same rules apply for your home solar system as they do for your other belongings. If you make sure you protect it well and conduct regular preventive maintenance, your home solar system will last you a long time.

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