For most of us, the consequence of the current COVID-19 pandemic means spending more time at home, keeping yourself safe and helping to prevent the spread of the virus among the population. For others, though, the task is much greater. Healthcare workers from the bottom of the ladder to the top are the frontline in the fight against coronavirus, and the bravery of each individual to put themselves in danger every single day is awe-inspiring.
Alongside this bravery, the work is being done to try to make sure that each and every frontline worker is being given the best chance possible to stay healthy.
Here are some ways that healthcare workers are being protected from the coronavirus.
1. Surgical Masks
The constant wearing of surgical face masks has been a huge factor in frontline protection. With the virus most easily being transferred via droplets from the mouth, it has been essential for key workers to be protected in this way given their frequent contact with already infected patients.
2. Non-Symptom Testing
Rather than waiting for people to start showing symptoms, the healthcare worker population has been large-scale tested even when individuals have not been showing symptoms. The virus can manifest in invisible ways as well as life-threatening ways, and front liners are being tested to make sure that they are not asymptomatic and spreading to others.
3. Hygiene
Personal hygiene has obviously come into focus in an even bigger way than it was before in hospitals, doctor’s surgeries and other official buildings. Touch transfer is another big factor in the coronavirus spread, and healthcare workers have been more diligent than ever in maintaining good hand washing hygiene, along with limiting their touch habits to an essential minimum.
4. Deep Cleaning
It isn’t only physical bodies that need to be more diligent with cleanliness, this also counts for entire rooms and buildings as well. Machines such as the Sterisafe Disinfection Robot have come into their own as essential pieces of equipment, able to sterilize rooms in quick time to create clean and safe environments for treatment.
5. Social Distancing
A vast percentage of healthcare workers will have their own families to consider in the context of their jobs, not wanting to bring home any trace of the virus that could then be transferred into the previously safe environment. To avert this danger, many healthcare workers have taken the tough decision to remove themselves from the comfort of the family environment for the duration of the crisis.
Many hotels and locations near medical workplaces have stepped up to the plate to offer accommodation for workers that need to be available for shifts and are unable to return home. In many ways, this is as close as front liners are able to get to self-quarantining without taking themselves out of work.
6. Adjusted Appointments
The changes and precautions are not only reserved for those working in treatment facilities and hospitals. To further reduce risk to healthcare workers, you will also find that many local doctor’s surgeries and pharmacies are offering a reduced and adjusted service.
This will involve changes such as waiting outside of reception for arranged prescription medications to be collected, and even video conference appointments as an alternative to meeting face to face for a consultation on ailments that are not specifically COVID-19 related.
If you want to be a responsible citizen during these troubling times, do your best to support the efforts of health workers. Follow government guidelines and stay healthy!
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