Mini Mommy Makeover for the Busy Mother: Things to Know

mini mommy makeover

Motherhood itself is one of life’s great miracles. But for many women, the physical changes that accompany the choice to become pregnant and have a child are not quite so miraculous. After all, becoming a parent is in itself a tremendous life change, albeit a very welcome one! But having to adjust to looser skin, stubborn fat around the midsection, sagging breasts and stretch marks is both much less welcome and often quite stressful and frustrating.

What can be even more frustrating is realizing you just don’t have the time to recover from a full mommy makeover procedure. After all, you are a mom now and your child needs you. This is prompting many new moms to ask if there is such a thing as a mini-mommy makeover procedure that requires less recovery downtime.

The simple and quick answer is “yes.” In this article, learn all about the mini-mommy makeover, who qualifies, what to expect and how to get started.

mini mommy makeover

About the Mini-Mommy Makeover

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the mommy makeover is one of the most in-demand and requested plastic surgery procedures today.

As the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) reports, the ultimate goal of a mommy makeover is to help the patient achieve a reversal of the effects of pregnancy. For this reason, the term “mommy makeover” is more like an umbrella term for some procedures that can be included in each person’s customized mommy makeover.

WebMD outlines some of the most popular choices for a mommy makeover procedure:

  • A breast lift and/or augmentation.
  • Tummy tuck.
  • Liposuction and/or fat transfer.
  • Buttock augmentation.
  • Vaginal rejuvenation.

The scope of the patient’s appearance goals and the selected procedures is what determines whether the procedure itself is deemed a full mommy makeover or a mini-mommy makeover.

This is particularly relevant since, in nearly all cases, all selected procedures for a mommy makeover or mini-mommy makeover are performed during a single surgery.

Choosing Your Mini-Mommy Makeover Procedures

According to Mommy Makeover expert, William A. Ross, a full or mini-mommy makeover is an intensely personal procedure. You want improved yet natural-appearing results and you want to return to your regular daily schedule as quickly as possible.

With today’s advanced plastic and cosmetic surgery technology, many minimally-invasive surgical techniques are available to help facilitate these goals.

Mini Tummy Tuck As Part of Mini-Mommy Makeover

For example, if your primary concern is lax skin below the navel, you may be a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck. This less invasive procedure is a modified version of a full tummy tuck and is designed to minimize recovery downtime.

For example, typically you will be able to stand fully upright immediately after your mini tummy tuck and you will be able to return to your work within two to three days. Contrast this with a full tummy tuck, where you typically are not able to stand fully upright for the first few days and will need two to three weeks to recover.

Breast Lift As Part of Mini-Mommy Makeover

Breast augmentation and/or breast lift is another popular request for a full or mini-mommy makeover procedure. As with the tummy tuck, there are different degrees to address different patient needs and goals. A breast lift is less invasive than breast augmentation or one with a lift.

For example, a breast lift alone may require a few days of recovery time and a return to a modified daily schedule after one week. Breast augmentation or augmentation with lift can require up to two or three weeks of reduced activity. In either case, the ASPS reports both are popular choices for a mommy makeover

Putting Your Personal Mini-Mommy Makeover Together

There are additional procedures that can be incorporated into your mommy makeover as well, including vaginal rejuvenation, butt lift, liposuction, and body contouring.

The important thing to remember is that it is possible to adjust your personal mommy makeover procedure to minimize recovery downtime by scaling back on the scope and type of procedures you select.

If you have extremely limited time to devote to recovery, it is vital to communicate this to Dr. Ross so he can work with you to find the right approach for the time you do have available.

While most mommy makeovers are done as a single surgical procedure, it may also be possible to schedule your makeover in stages to minimize the time you have to take away from your career, family, and children.

As always, it is smart to wait until you have completed your family before scheduling a full or mini mommy makeover procedure.

What Is Right for You? Full or Mini-Mommy Makeover?

The best way to know whether a full or mini-mommy makeover is right for your needs and appearance goals is to schedule your initial consultation with a good breast surgeon. During your consultation, they will do an exam of the area(s) to be addressed.

You will be able to bring along photos to illustrate your goals and your surgeon will outline different options to meet your needs. You can also learn about the recovery process, how much downtime may be involved and ways to facilitate the speediest healing.

Before you leave your consultation you can also talk about financing and even schedule your procedure date if you are ready.

At the Aesthetic Surgery Center, every patient receives a deeply personalized experience tailored to their individual needs and goals. Visit their site today and seek a consultation with Dr. Ross, an expert in mommy makeovers in Naples, FL.

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