How to Organize Your Digital Workspace?


In recent years, no one can imagine a workspace without technological tools, gadgets, and devices. Every day, workspaces are becoming more and more digital. Thanks to the rise of technology, you can now earn a living without going to an actual office. You can manage your business from your bed if you like. However, the one thing that remained the same despite so many changes is workspace organization. Even modern and digital workspaces can be disorganized. If you are looking for ways to keep your digital workspace neat, here are our suggestions.

1. Take Advantage of a Virtual Assistant

Only a few decades ago, employees had to do most of their work all by themselves. They couldn’t rely on any apps or similar devices to make their jobs easier. Today, technology has advanced so much that employees can use many different platforms to deliver the best results at work. Moreover, they can even take advantage of a virtual assistant to help them stay organized. If you need an extra hand in your digital workspace, you too can hire some virtual help.


Virtual assistants can schedule meetings, file documents, or make notes thus helping you to stay organized as much as possible. As a result, you can focus on more demanding tasks easier without having to worry about less important tasks.

2. Keep Your Desktop Organized

Take a look at your desktop and folders. Chances are your desktop is full of files, folders, subfolders, and programs with no room for anything new. That is why you spend significant amount of time searching for a particular document every time you need one. To spend your time more efficiently, you should keep your desktop organized at all times.

For example, keep only the programs you regularly use. Furthermore, create folders and subfolders for all your documents and store them properly depending on how often do you access them. You can create a special folder and designate it for all those files you no longer need day in day out for future reference.


3. Store Screenshots

When you are a remote worker, you use all kinds of tips and tricks to make your job easier. For instance, most remote workers take screenshots of their devices because it is the easiest way to save and access relevant information. They do this so often that by the end of the day their desktop is covered in numerous screenshots. If you are doing this too, then you know how unorganized your desktop looks like.

However, for organizing your digital workspace, all you have to do is create one folder, make it the first choice when it comes to saving screenshots, and save all of them in this directory. Moreover, before you save a screenshot, make sure to name it properly to avoid any misunderstanding. This way, finding the specific screenshot will be much easier.

4. Pin Programs

Generally, you use the same software every day to do your work. Some of that software, such as alternatives to Slack, help you communicate with other team members. Others are closely related to your position in the organization.


For easier access and better organization of the digital workspace, you can pin the programs you frequently use to the toolbar. By pinning them, you are making sure all your favorite tools and platforms are one simple click away. This means you can jump straight to work once you turn on your device wasting no time whatsoever.

5. Resort to Anti-distraction Tools

When you work online, you can easily get distracted because you have unlimited access to the Internet and social media. Your Instagram and Facebook accounts are literally one click away. They are tempting you to check your feed every second. As a result, you become unproductive and start to procrastinate. Since this can negatively impact your work performance and results, you should resort to anti-distraction tools.

This business solution is a great way for you to neglect all distractions around you and focus entirely on work, projects, and tasks. What these apps do is limit your access to certain websites or platforms for a given period allowing you to complete your work on time.

6. Make Use of Reminders

Technology has become incredibly important in our lives to that extent rarely anyone of us can imagine life without it. We rely on it in our private and professional lives. As far as work is concerned, you know how strict managers are regarding punctuality and adherence to deadlines. When you have a heavy workload, it is easy to miss a deadline or forget about a meeting.

To avoid having to justify yourself to your boss, you should make use of reminders. You can set a reminder whenever the time for a meeting or deadline approaches. This way, you won’t have to worry about missing a meeting or a deadline ever again.

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