The Importance of Aquatic Plant Management
Whether you’re maintaining an indoor reef aquarium, fish tank or you plan to improve the condition of a local lake, proper aquatic plant management is vital for a number of reasons. While it’s true that aquatic plants can contribute to a thriving, healthy ecosystem, invasive species can cause long-term environmental problems, such as the five issues below.
1. Resource Competition
Non-native, fast growing aquatic plants often use valuable natural resources required by local ecosystems. Aquatic plants may not cause problems in small numbers, but if they continue to reproduce exponentially, plants and fish that miss out on resources they need to thrive are eventually vanquished. Some plants are even poisonous to local wildlife. Promote a biologically balanced aquatic environment by managing aggressive plants before they get out of hand. Click here to learn more about tropical fish species that can live well with aquatic plants
2. Recreation
Lakes, rivers, and ponds provide endless entertainment, from boating to swimming, to fishing. But these activities can be hindered by excessive aquatic plant growth. Left unattended, beautiful bodies of crystalline water can quickly transform into murky bogs that are far from appealing for fun water activities. Consistent, ongoing aquatic plant management ensures that future generations get to enjoy a body of water that isn’t choked by the overgrowth of vegetation.
3. Safety
Invasive aquatic plants can cause serious structural problems in buildings and equipment that are easy to overlook. Because many invasive plants grow densely under the surface of the water, it’s easy to ignore a growing, potential catastrophe. For example, if flooding of a body of water occurs, excessive plant growth could inhibit flood control procedures.
Additionally, plant growth can threaten local infrastructures in a number of ways. Invasive plants may provide a suitable habitat for harmful invasive wildlife, such as termites, ants, and rodents. Many types of local transportation systems, power systems, water systems, and other important infrastructures have direct contact with waterways, and some types of plants can clog or erode equipment, leading to immediate operating problems and long-term maintenance issues.
4. Aesthetics
Large bodies of water are often popular attractions where people go to enjoy a slice of nature. From photographers and bird watchers to joggers and ecotourists, people love spending time surrounded by natural beauty. Invasive plant growth may start off invisible to the human eye, but it eventually it manifests in ways that are undesirable. Besides looking unappealing, excessive plant growth can also cause unpleasant odors that discourage water-related recreation.
5. The Law
Even if you aren’t convinced that managing aquatic plant growth is crucial, you may need to manage it because it’s required by law. While the rules and regulations vary by location, most wildlife conservation commissions enact strict ordinances to ensure the prolonged health of water bodies. Check with your local government, so you can be sure that your body of water is compliant.
Aquatic Plant Management Methods
These days, there are plenty of physical, biological, and chemical ways to keep aquatic plant growth at bay. You can prevent invasive species from growing in the first place by identifying the source of the growth and eliminating it. For example, soil erosion can introduce new plants into an ecosystem, so taking steps to prevent erosion naturally halts new plant growth.
In some cases, you may need to eradicate an existing infestation. You can accomplish this by manually removing the entire plants (including root systems), deepening the pond, manipulating water levels, and/or installing bottom liners.
Introducing a new species that preys on the plants can also minimize growth, or you can use biological or chemical products. Just be sure to use a product whose ingredients haven’t been banned or regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Another option is to pour non-staining, food grade aquatic dyes into the water to prevent sunlight from reaching underwater plants that grow deep in the water. The dye essentially prevents invasive, low growing plants from being able to perform photosynthesis.
Take Action Today
Invasive aquatic plant growth is a problem that usually doesn’t go away on its own, and it tends to worsen with time. Eco-friendly treatments are readily available and highly effective. Spend some time researching your best option, so you can make the first try the only try. Check your local rules and regulations, and, when in doubt, request assistance from a professional aquatic plant control specialist.
Salman Zafar is an ecopreneur, consultant, advisor, speaker and journalist with expertise in waste management, waste-to-energy, renewable energy, environment protection, conservation and sustainable development. His geographical areas of focus include Asia, Middle East, Africa and Europe. Salman is the Founder of EcoMENA, a popular voluntary organization based in Qatar. He is also the Founder and CEO of BioEnergy Consult, a reputed consulting firm active in biomass, waste-to-energy and waste management segments.
Salman is a professional environmental writer with more than 350 popular articles to his credit. He is proactively engaged in creating mass environmental awareness in different parts of the world.
Salman Zafar can be reached at or
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