DIY Home Painting: 5 Easy Tips to Paint Your House Like a Pro

Painting is the main décor for your home. No matter how exquisite your remodeling is, if your paint doesn’t stick, then it’s not worth it! If you are savvy enough to paint your house yourself, here are 5 DIY home painting tips that you should know to get your house painted like a pro:

Top DIY Painting Tips

1. Keeping the Paint Consistent

You don’t want to have an inconsistent shade added to your walls. Many homeowners that attempt DIY home painting often face the situation of having inconsistent coloring. The primary reason is the difference in the can colors. Not all cans carry consistent color shades and it is recommended to mix all the cans of the same color in a large bucket to make the color consistent

You can also use the spare paint for additional touches too. You can look up “boxing,” on the internet, which is a common term used for mixing the same color paint in a large container, and use the method to mix the paint in equal proportions.

2. Taping Is Important

One of the common mistakes that is made by homeowners is while taping and removing the tape. Taping the areas that you don’t want to be painted or want to paint them with a different color, requires precision. Space or a hole left will allow the paint to escape in that area. In addition, it is better to let the paint dry before you remove the tape. This would help in avoiding smearing or stickiness, which can ruin the finesse.

You can also use a razor to cut the paint from the edges. Make sure to wear gloves to avoid any injury. Keep drop cloths handy at all times, and use plastic sandwich bags to cover tricky spots such as doorknobs.

3. Focus on Priming the Walls

Apart from inconsistent paint shade, you don’t want your walls to have any patches or dirty spots in them as well as look even with the paint like the work of a professional. Experts in painting their houses recommend that you should prime your walls first and then go for the paint.

Although it would increase the cost as well as the time of the process, still, the results would be worth the investment. Use a bonding primer that gives a clean, smooth surface especially for glass and high gloss paintwork previously done in your home.

4. Keep it Tidy

Most of the homeowners would use plastic to conveniently and cost efficiently stop dripping and spilling of the paint. However, the paint dripping on the plastic doesn’t dry and can easily ruin your shoes as well as end up tracked accidentally throughout the house. You should use a cotton canvas that absorbs the spills.

In case you are not accustomed to painting and know that there will be spills, try putting a plastic underneath the canvas. This will stop the paint from spilling further if there are large spills, which can seep through the canvas.

5. Go for Quality

You are already going for DIY house painting and saving quite much. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should not buy quality equipment for your DIY painting. Painting is definitely time consuming, and not having the right tools for it will result not only in more time consuming but also the wastage of the paint, adding to your costs evidently. You can use a paint comparison website to find the right products that will help you achieve the best results

Therefore, it is recommended that you should buy high end brushed, rollers, painter tapes, and other necessary tools for making your paint look like an art. It will not only help in effective coverage but also help to avoid drips, blurs, and inconsistent painting.